Návrh tureckého pamätníku v Uyvar, Slovakia
Citátom z Koránu bude studňa pripomínať, že čistá voda je božským darom a bude symbolizovať priateľstvo oboch krajín, ktoré má vari až 400-ročné korene...
O prijatí fontány darovanej veľvyslanectvom Tureckej republiky bude hlasovať zastupiteľstvo na svojom najbližšom zasadnutí 11. decembra a ak sa nestane zázrak, "kšeftárska trinástka" vykoná skutočne pioniersky počin v merítku celoslovenskom, keďže tureckých pamätníkov tu bolo až doteraz žalostne málo. Ktovie prečo...
A čo sa stane, až si kšeftári všimnú absenciu pamätníkov februárového víťazstva pracujúceho ľudu, alebo bratskej pomoci z augusta 1969, na to radšej ani nepomyslíme...
After the first step of Nove Zamky Municipality to establish a pleasant partnership with the Republic of Turkey, Turkish Embassy in Bratislava and Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) responded to this request positively. As a result of a first visit by the delegation of Embassy and TİKA, and ongoing correspondence with relevant parts, we are glad to inform you that Republic of Turkey and TİKA has the will to build a fountain in Nove Zamky as a symbol of the friendship of two countries which has also common history in the past.
The specifications of the fountain is the following:
The fountain which is planned to include Turkish classical architecture, has a square plan of 3.6 x 3.6 meters. Height of eaves is 4.3 meters long from the ground. Marble cladding will be made on the reinforced concrete frame. The top cover will be completely covered with lead and there will be wood covering under the eaves. There is a place left on facades of fountain which can be made writings and ornament in size of 37 x 170 cm. It is suggested that , Human Sura (21. Verse of the Koran), (ve sekâhum rabbuhum şarâben tahûrâ / God offered them a clean drink) which is related about water can be written in this field that comes from our tradition. One of these writing sections on 4 fronts will be made in classical style and on the other 3 facades will be made ornamentation. Classical Era ornamentation and logos can be embroidered on pair areas shaped circle, on arch keystone and arch foreheads under the writing sections.
I hope that this first step from both of our parts will be a stable brick in a long term cooperation.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Sincerely Yours
Haşim KOÇ
Coordinator-Attache of Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency TİKA
Zagreb Program Coordination Office
Pantovčak 142, 10000
Zagreb – CROATIA
Z listu záhrebského koordinátora tureckej rozvojovej agentúry TIKA to naozaj vyzerá tak, že prvotná iniciatíva vyšla zo strany novozámockej radnice...